The Online Repository is hosted on a Wakelet site – which we are calling the Inclusion and Intersectionality Online Repository. The Online Repository features imagery, videos, sound bites, slides, text – which relate to the different topics that the symposium addresses.
You can find the Online Repository here:
We would like to invite panelists and attendees to contribute to the Online Repository before, during and after the symposium.
As you will see, the repository includes a number of different themes. You should choose the theme that you feel is most relevant to what you would like to be included. The material you submit could be a provocation, a question, a short text, a short video/sound clip etc – relevant to the Inclusion & Intersectionality theme.
It is our intention that material will be contributed to the repository now and that it will be available online after the symposium, and will have relevant materials added on an ongoing basis. It will, in other words, be a constantly evolving repository.
When submitting material please refer to the below guidelines.
Inclusion & Intersectionality Symposium Online Repository Code of Conduct
The material on the online repository will be held online and will be open access.
The repository will be shared with attendees of the Inclusion & Intersectionality symposium and be openly available into the future to be added to and consulted after the symposium.
It will be shared through The Society for Dance Research’s Facebook and twitter accounts. It will be connected to The Society for Dance Research’s website. The purpose of the repository is for information and research purposes connected to the Inclusion & Intersectionality symposium.
CDaRE and Candoco Dance Company may also share the repository through their websites and social media accounts and link to the content on the Society for Dance Research website.
Materials shared on the repository and those submitted by panellists to the Society for Dance Research website are not owned by the Society for Dance Research, CDaRE or Candodo Dance Company.
You are free to post directly to the repository, The Society for Dance Research will remove any content that does not fit within the subject area of the Inclusion and Intersectionality symposium, or which features offensive or inappropriate material.
Your responsibilities
– You must credit all content including images, videos, sound clips, performers and all those involved in the production of the content.
– You can link to publicly available content, but please make sure proper credits are given
– If you use other material not freely available online, you should ensure you have permission from those who own the material you are sharing through the online gallery before posting.