Symposium Panels


Friday 19 November

11.15-12.30pm: Practitioner Perspectives 

1.30-2.45pm: Candoco Dance Company at 30
3.00 – 4.15pm: Broadening Opportunities 
4.30 – 5.45pm:  Decolonial Dance Narratives 
6.00 – 7.00pm: Centring and Intersectionality: Black Perspectives in Dance Research

Saturday 20 November

9.45-11.00am:  C-DaRE Panel
11.15 am-12.30 pmSDR Panel 
1.30 – 2.45pm: Age and Inclusion 
3.00 -3.30pm: Respondent – Michelle Bynoe and open floor 
3.30 – 4.15Reflections on the conference and organisation – Jane, Angeline