Call for membership

There are three vacancies for general membership of the Committee, with an additional three vacancies for the offices of Treasurer, Newsletter Editor and Events Secretary. If you would like to stand for election, please e-mail (or post) the following completed SDR nomination form 2018 to

Please also indicate if you are standing for general membership or for the office of Treasurer, Newsletter Editor and Events Secretary.

If you are standing, it is not vital that your proposer and seconder actually sign the nomination form. Just indicate who they are, and proposers and seconders can contact me (details below) to confirm as much.

The deadline for receipt of the nominations is 1st of September. Shortly afterwards, we will send out ballot papers, and the poll will close on 1st of October. The results will be confirmed before the Annual General Meeting at the end of October.

If you have questions in the meantime, please email me at or write to me to Middlesex University, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries: The Burroughs, Hendon (London NW4 4BT).


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