What does dance bring to the current historical moment, rife with all its crises? Current political crises are characterised by a move to the right and include the resurgence of nationalism and fascism. War and conflict are causing humanitarian crises, including the mass displacement of people, which is met with a degree of indifference and inadequate response in the West. Crises also continue to exist on an environmental and economic level, with the two seemingly at odds with one another.
How does or might dance dismantle the notions underpinning these crises by engaging with memory, history and community in an embodied way?
Why might dance be one of the best ways to visualise the importance of history?
What do dancing bodies bring to the re-mapping of history?
What is the relationship between dance and the notion of the historical present, which necessitates movements backwards and forwards as a kind of vibration?
How does dance intersect with the opportunities and potential of the current historical moment (e.g. the digital revolution and semiotic democracy; alternative, autonomous communities; decoloniality and the refashioning of hybrid identities; postmodern transculturalism; queer futures; a plurality of artistic forms and aesthetics, fuelled by interdisciplinarity, etc.)?